
In my first year of teaching I thought I was going to need to have my tonsils out. According to the GP more than four infections in six months would be grounds to consider the operation. I suffered six debilitating throat infections in a row but never went under the knife. Since that year I’ve gotten sick a couple of times a year, rarely for more than a few days at a time and with less and less frequency. Hand washing becomes second nature after a time. Today I woke up with a prickly tingle in my right tonsil which has progressed to a full blown sore throat throughout the day. I’m pumping all the good stuff but playing an hour and a half of intense teacher vs. student netball in a baking, humid hall today hasn’t helped. I’ve imbibed over 3L since and I’m still dehydrated. Teacher vs. senior student games are one of the great traditions of my school. The graduating grade gets to play short matches against a rotating assortment of the faculty in the sports the students played for Friday afternoon sports this year.

A little calligraphy and bed.



A photo posted by @liatach on

back to Instagram tonight because Flikrs embed wasn’t playing nice.

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