A Wednesday in Brisbane 2015

Personal Archaeology Project 1

5:50AM start.
75 swing kettle-bell workout.
Boiled eggs on toast and protein milk.
Banana toast for L.
Coffee for me, the thermos and the wife.
Made lunch, chicken, lettuce and mayo, cake, a boiled egg and two pieces of fruit.
L fell back asleep, unusual.
F not awake, also unusual.

Late out the door at 7:30
The good Bus driver -stopped and waited for me running one day- who plays his little personal radio and announces every stop.
Exchange at South Birsbane.
Missed connect, ten minute wait standing next to, by chance, the same man as I had on the way outbound the previous afternoon. Shifty looking, short, sweaty, buck toothed bloke, gave me a bad feeling.
Bus to School in the door after 8, very late for me.

N texts to say L has vomited.
Sympathies conveyed.
Reading Rotations.
Mini reading assessment for the first three of four groups.
Students begin analysis of their key event in “Rowan of Rin” By Emily Rodda.
Behavior still an issue after the departure of my former prac student and intern.
Standards have slipped due to my reticence to jump in and do all behavior management for her.
Have to use the voice, consequences and multiple repeats to achieve 100% compliance more than once in the session and multiple times throughout the day.

Reflection: Need to use more forceful positivity and enthusiasm from the moment they walk in the door tomorrow.

Reading cont.
Environment student team meeting in my room at lunch.
Ongoing poster and sticker design projects.
Class rotations completing and marking Geography posters.
Afternoon session on Wednesdays has religious education rotations.
Fortunately this year my colleague and I have non religion and hence its a half hour of silent reading for about 60 3’s & 4’s in our rooms.
Finished a label for the scraps buckets after roll marking, forgot to photograph it.
Had my class clean up some.
Practiced speeches helped with printing for sustainability posters.

Got to do some marking and data entry as we met the scheduled meeting requirements yesterday so today’s was cancelled.
Emailed colleagues.
Emptied school compost buckets.
Spoke to a student and his parent on the way past tennis training.
Was whisked away home in our white chariot by lovely wife, L & F all in better spirits now.

Drank tea.
Began this post.
Ate dinner; penne bolognaise.
Listening to a few minutes of ‘Cryptonomicon’ By Stephenson.
N and I started it during our September honeymoon in Tasmania (The book is a 40 hour epic that I will discuss it in a a books post sometime soon.)
Bathed infants, played with Schleich sea creatures.
Cleaned the living room floors, put toys away and vacuumed.
Read Where is the Green Sheep listened to Greetings from Sandy beech.
Sat with the boys until F fell asleep.

Ironed shirts.

Watched these while ironing:




and  1, 2, 3 and some of 4.

Saw the lady in link 3 in the Brickumentry over the weekend. Found myself some Mouse Guard to try on the basis of this build.

Completed my first r/Calligraffiti  WOTD in more than 6 months.

A photo posted by @liatach on

I’ve gotten sloppy on my calligraphy practice.

Dishwasher still has an hour running.
9:13 PM Posting this.
Going to read Tim Ferris books and canoodle with N.

Something different tomorrow.


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