Christmas drinks

Staff Christmas party tonight. Fun had by all.

A project I have put serious thought into in the past showed up on Tested the other day.

The buggers are of course doing it better than I had planned too.

Found a cool insect on the bathroom door today. Uploaded to Instagram as it is still proving more convenient and has better editing tools.

>35mm unknown living insect perched on bathroom door

A photo posted by @liatach on

Sharing some of the laminated labels for the timeline I have used in most classrooms so far. Given to a colleague.

The BCE / CE Marker was folded over in laminating unfortunately.




A best friend is spending the night with us tonight, planning to hit an indoor climbing wall together tomorrow.




So Much Paper

I’ve been packing my classroom this week. I’m taking only the best of my own stationery items and my curated classroom bookshelf collection. Even though I strive to keep as much of my work digital as possible the sheer quantity of paper that comes across my desk each week is extraordinary. I am recycling whole reams as I discard for the pack. I’m also offloading a ton of my own hand made resources as gifts for colleagues or just into the schools collection via the Super Aides on our staff.

The first two are word wall headings. Given to my year level coordinator this year.

IMG_20151204_083503 IMG_20151204_083432

It appears I need a better photo This is one of the few items I will keep as it will definitely be used again and again. The school rules are simply Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible. It is standard classroom protocol to decide as a class the rules for our room on the first day of school. It takes patience and practice to Sheppard the discussion so that we arrive at a set of aspirational rules that the students feel ownership of that can also be used all year long as a behavior check.




This could be the original or it could be a YouTube freeboot. It certainly has less views that the copy doing the rounds on Fbook. Star Wars will merit a post all of its own at some point.



Little Furry Things

I spent yesterday afternoon recovering from a very intense teachers v students Futsal match and celebrating the end of a successful year with my team at The End bar. They serve a remarkable stout made with local coffee,  simply delicious. I’d buy it by the bottle if I could. The End is in the space where a Brisbane institution once resided. Trash Video was the best video store. A massive curated collection of pulp, cult, foreign and just plain weird cinema. The store struggled through the first wave of P2P sharing but went under like the vast majority of others as piracy became more convenient and normalised in Australia.

I got home in time to put L & F to bed. Watched some increasingly disappointing Jessica Jones with N. Created a bucket trap and set the rat kill traps.

Since the flood event in May we have had repeated rodent incursions. The night of the flood we could hear chittering in the walls. Those first rats were tenacious and took weeks to eliminate. One built a nest behind the oven, which required the landlord’s intervention to remove.

Since then it’s been like there is a little neon sign over the drains below our house with “Land of Milk and Honey Motel: Vacancy!” emblazoned on it. We’ve had a respite of a month or so, until last weekend we saw a young mouse. Since then we have seen at least three more, all adorable with the foolhardy fearlessness of young rodents. We had a clean kill the night before last. Not so last night.

Nadine nudged me awake at one saying that the trap in the kitchen had gone off. It had caught a mouse by the paw. I crushed the pitiful creature’s skull with a hammer and disposed of its corpse. All handled in the semi conscious fug of the middle of the night. I don’t like killing things, cute little furry animals least of all. On my most recent visit to my father’s house he killed a rat that had taken up residence in my stepmother’s book shop. He reflected afterwards that this business of killing things seems to have remained firmly in the realm of men’s business. Maybe in other relationships that is not the case, but it is true enough of mine as well.

Phone bus commute post – Edited for clarity at home.

Boxes boxes everywhere

At school and at home the great packing is in full effect. N has accomplished a huge amount at home. At work my classroom is currently in the ‘worse before it gets better’  phase. Sending belongings home and discarding reams of used paper.

Found an example artwork from early in the year:


NAIDOC week example piece.  Watercolour pencils and marker on card. Sacred spaces special places. Students made some pretty incredible interpretations of their own special places in the style.

I was lucky enough to spend the morning at work designing origami information sharing devices in Illustrator. A nice change of pace. I’ll share the product once complete and approved for public display.

Tonsils are still very uncomfortable but not worse. I’m planning to hit the Calligraffiti WOTD again tonight after a workout and ironing. If I make it I’ll edit it in.

Still puzzling over rhymes for the shoe book.


In my first year of teaching I thought I was going to need to have my tonsils out. According to the GP more than four infections in six months would be grounds to consider the operation. I suffered six debilitating throat infections in a row but never went under the knife. Since that year I’ve gotten sick a couple of times a year, rarely for more than a few days at a time and with less and less frequency. Hand washing becomes second nature after a time. Today I woke up with a prickly tingle in my right tonsil which has progressed to a full blown sore throat throughout the day. I’m pumping all the good stuff but playing an hour and a half of intense teacher vs. student netball in a baking, humid hall today hasn’t helped. I’ve imbibed over 3L since and I’m still dehydrated. Teacher vs. senior student games are one of the great traditions of my school. The graduating grade gets to play short matches against a rotating assortment of the faculty in the sports the students played for Friday afternoon sports this year.

A little calligraphy and bed.



A photo posted by @liatach on

back to Instagram tonight because Flikrs embed wasn’t playing nice.